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Naročite RYOKO s 70% popusta

-Samo $89.00 proti $296.67 (maloprodaja)
-Na voljo samo na spletu
-Do izteka zalog

Naročite zdaj in si zagotovite 500MB BREZPLAČNIH podatkov iz

Ultimate Portable WiFi Hotspot

Thinking of Public WiFi? DON’T. There is a Better Solution!

WiFi Anywhere Works in over 76 countries Secure, Fast data Encrypted network, 4G LTE speeds
Connect up to 10 devices Connect your laptop, phone, tablet, or share with others Cost Effective 500 mb mobile data + prepaid + free of roaming charges

RYOKO portable WIFI Hotspot Includes:

  1. 1
    Fast, SECURE & Reliable Connection
    4G LTE connection in 76 countries!
  2. 2
    Pre-build SIM Card
    with 500MB of mobile data, FREE of roaming charges.
  3. 3
    Simple, Intuitive Two Button Controls
    Anyone can use it!
  4. 4
    Long Lasting Battery
    + universal micro USB cable for all your charging needs.

Poglejte si to v akciji

Prejmite 70 % popust, če naročite zdaj! Pohitite, dokler je še na zalogi!
Naročite RYOKO s 70% popusta

Say YES to Comfort, Speed and Air-Tight Security

  • Connected Everywhere, at All Time

    Ryoko is a portable, hi-tech solution to all your WiFi needs. This tiny device removes the hassle of connecting to various public hotspots: forget having to ask internet access at restaurants or catching shaky, unstable connections in parks or squares! Have YOUR OWN HOTSPOT as you go - no additional steps required.

  • Fast, Cheap, Reliable!

    Kaj storiti: zanašati se na počasen javni WiFi ali uporabljati drage mobilne podatke? Obstaja boljši način: Ryoko uporablja najhitrejša omrežja 4G in vedno zagotavlja najboljšo možno internetno hitrost. Opremljen je s 500 mb mobilnih podatkov + je predplačniški in BREZ STROŠKOV GOSTOVANJA. Uživajte v hitri, poceni in neprekinjeni povezavi!

  • Your Security Guaranteed

    Hacks, data thefts, stolen identities: a few years back UK alone counted almost 170 thousand instances of IDENTITY FRAUD and in total 86% of it was committed online! Can you REALLY take the risk? Ryoko provides a closed, individual network. Think of it as your own personal fortress with you as the gatekeeper. No more risk of getting your data stolen!

Prejmite 70 % popust, če naročite zdaj! Pohitite, dokler je še na zalogi!
Naročite RYOKO s 70% popusta

Fast, Secure, Cost Effective: Ultimate Portable WiFi Solution

Why should you choose MUAMA Ryoko?

Up to 10 Devices
Ultra Fast
Connection Speed
Simple to Use
Long Lasting Secure 76 Countries
  • Connect up to 10 devices: Sharing WiFi connection or managing many devices at one? Then you know how INFURIATING it is to have your phone battery constantly dying, your passwords spread around and your walled bled dry from all that mobile data! Ryoko provides a stable, secure connection for up to 10 devices. Share connections while maintaining your peace of mind!
  • Long Lasting: Nothing drains your smartphone battery faster than using a mobile hotspot feature. Now you don’t have to rely on it anymore! Stay powered-on all day with up to 8 hours of Ryoko WiFi battery life.
  • Intuitive Ergonomic Design: MUAMA Ryoko was designed by a hard working team of top-of-the field specialists in ergonomics. The device has elegant, streamlined controls that can be used by everyone. Wish to stay connected with your technology-averse parents? What about making sure your children are safe & connected at all times? Ryoko is the answer!
  • Wide Coverage: MUAMA Ryoko can be used in 76 countries! Forget about different roaming plans or constant SIM card switching from the hustle-and-bustle of New York City to remote mountains of Peru Ryoko has you covered any time, anywhere!

MUAMA Ryoko vs Public WiFi - the Winner is Clear!

Public WiFi Hotspots
Revolutionary Ryoko Hotspots

WiFi in a restaurant, coffee shop or airport is available to all - but is it secure? NO! Each time you log in to public hotspots you EXPOSE yourself to hackers and identity thieves!

Čvrsta zaščita

MUAMA Ryoko is a password protected SECURE system - only the devices you trust have access! Never again fear of losing your passwords, data and even identity to MALICIOUS third parties!

Počasno in nezanesljivo

Takes forever to type in the correct password & connect aaaand it’s already down. Need to do the whole song-and-dance again. OK, finally connected! Aaaand the speed is at SNAIL’S PACE. Frustrated yet?

Hitra povezava

MUAMA Ryoko ALWAYS uses the fastest 4G LTE connection available. Stay on top of your business, hobbies and communication ANYWHERE, at ALL TIME. The world is all connected - you should be too.

Težko ga je najti

Public WiFi seems to be all prevalent - but is it really? Start hiking or simply move to the outskirts and the WiFi hotspots become worryingly hard to find. We are used to always being online - losing connection is a TERRIFYING prospect!

Vedno povezani

Feel SAFE and SECURE knowing you are always connected. Lost in the middle of the woods? No problem. Trying to get a cab in a strange neighbourhood of a foreign town? With Ryoko a stable connection is a button press away!

Prejmite 70 % popust, če naročite zdaj! Pohitite, dokler je še na zalogi!
Naročite RYOKO s 70% popusta

MUAMA Ryoko: 5 Ways to Stay Connected

On Your Trip:

Travelling Abroad? Staying connected is always a daunting task: SIM cards, roaming fees, copious amounts of mobile data... If you are travelling with family or friends the problems multiply. MUAMA Ryoko provides an all-in-one solution: this tiny gadget is fast, secure, it connects up to 10 devices + you can forget the roaming fees!

At Conferences:

Going to the important business conference and the WiFi they provide is horrendous? Fortunately, Ryoko provides high speed, reliable connection on the go. Forget the nightmares of desperately trying to get the spotty conference wi-fi to work!

At Work:

Does your job require you to travel and move a lot? Many people are mobile workers these days. Our designers have experienced frustrations that come with mobile work: always running out of data or the smartphone's battery power. This is why MUAMA Ryoko is carefully designed to let you stay connected wherever you go without skipping a beat. Don’t worry about trivial things anymore: Ryoko allows you to focus on your job!

At Your Leisure:

It is hard to enjoy a well-deserved rest from everyday hustle when connection (a lifeline of modern life) is lost. What if YOU get lost? What if there is an emergency? Have a Ryoko WiFi hotspot in your pocket and these things will never happen to you. Carry your connection with you - with 500 mb mobile data to boot (you can top up data at any time).

With Your Family:

Sometimes staying connected is difficult. Maybe your parents dislike technology and are confused by their smartphone’s settings. Maybe your child is at the friend's place and suddenly went offline. MUAMA Ryoko is ergonomic, easy to use gadget designed to keep your family connected at all times! Pocket-size, two button controls: it has never been this easy!

Podprte države

ca Kanada
cr Kostarika
do Dominikanska republika
slv El Salvador
gt Gvatemala
hn Honduras
mx Mehika
ni Nikaragva
pa Panama
pr Portoriko
bl Saint Barthélemy
mf Saint Martin
us Združene države Amerike

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

V: To which devices can MUAMA Ryoko Portable be connected?

O : You can connect Muama Ryoko to your smartphone, laptop, tablet, personal computer or even a smartwatch. Muama Ryoko can connect to up to 10 devices at once.

V: Is the SIM card included? How much data do I get with it and what are the options to top up?

O : The sim card is included and it already comes with 500MB of mobile data! You can top it up anytime + MUAMA Ryoko has no roaming fees. Packaged for maximum comfort and convenience!

V: Can I use MUAMA Ryoko device with my local internet provider SIM card?

O : Yes, you can insert any SIM card!

V: Can my kids / parents use it? They struggle with technology.

O : Absolutely! MUAMA Ryoko is designed with simplicity in mind. Two button controls: that’s all it takes! Staying connected is hard enough, why make it overcomplicated?

Prejmite 70 % popust, če naročite zdaj! Pohitite, dokler je še na zalogi!
Naročite RYOKO s 70% popusta

Mnenja uporabnikov

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Kristjan Miloš
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5 stars review

Povsod ga lahko vzamem s sabo. Zelo mi je všeč njihova ekipa za pomoč strankam, ki se zelo hitro odzove.

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Rebeka Zelena
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5 stars review

Ryoko je najboljša brezžična dostopna točka, ki deluje na vsakem kraju in ob vsakem času. Cena je res poštena, vsakdo jo lahko kupi. Gre za kakovosten izdelek in ga toplo priporočam.

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Lena Marija Svetec
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5 stars review

Neverjetno uporabna naprava, ki jo lahko nosite s sabo. Signal je bil dober, zlahka se lahko povežete s hitro internetno povezavo. Kot nalašč za potovanja po različnih krajih. Vsekakor je vreden ogleda.

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Boki Djordjevic
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5 stars review

Zares kakovosten izdelek. Hitro in zanesljivo, vzpostavljanje povezave je enostavno, prijazno do uporabnika. Močan signal je kot nalašč za potnike. Zelo hitro polnjenje. Ugodna cena!

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Gregor Hrovat
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5 stars review

To je najboljša brezžična dostopna točka 4G, kar sem jih kdaj uporabljal! Je zelo varen, enostaven za uporabo, življenjska doba baterije je zelo dolga! Najbolj mi je všeč, da lahko na dostopno točko povežeš več naprav! Priporočam vsem, ki jih poznam! 10/10

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Jasmina Karga
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5 stars review

Odličen izdelek. Je zelo uporaben, pameten in enostaven. Za razliko od drugih naprav ima zelo hitro internetno povezavo. Toplo priporočam.

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Fatima Elic
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5 stars review

Excellent and great wireless hotspot, with characteristics that I like a lot, it is easy to install, comfortable to carry, I can have fast internet, it has a battery that lasts a long time, I will recommend this product with my friends.

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David Delgec
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5 stars review

Zelo dobra naprava, enostavna za uporabo, izjemna kakovost. Priporočam! Tudi cena in dostava sta odlična

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Izabela Sank
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5 stars review

Ryoko WiFi hotspot is an excellent product. I am really satisfied with its service. The equipment works perfectly, I have an Internet port and it is fast accessible everywhere, ideal for my trips.

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Diana Roža Mevec
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5 stars review

Naprava je res dobra in nosite jo lahko kar v žepu. Povezava je hitra in varna. Zaradi vzdržljive baterije ga lahko uporabljate ves dan. Morate ga preizkusiti.

Prejmite 70 % popust, če naročite zdaj!

Naročite RYOKO s 70% popusta
Naročite svoj MUAMA Ryoko zdaj, preden se ta promocija konča...